Increase PremiumRedeemFee, PunishmentFee, and Liquidation threshold for all vault collaterals by **3%**

6mos ago
AI Summary

There are three parts to this, two of which are superfluous in my opinion.

  • Increase Liquidation Threshold 5% -> 8%
    • This is not enough. There should be a clear advantage to burning your iBTC over trading it in the open market. Historically, that premium was 5% as iBTC was trading at par.
    • When a liquidation occurs, Interlay has two buckets: the collateral bucket and the iBTC debt bucket. It tries to fill the debt by offering the collateral. $108 in VDOT would incentivize the burning of $100 in iBTC. If nobody acts quickly on this and the price of VDOT slides by just 2.7%, the collateral bucket is worth only $105, which is again less than what Hydration markets are paying.
    • Liquidation Threshold should be increased to 10% -- 105% -> 110%
  • Increase Premium Redeem Fee 5% -> 8%
    • While premium redeem is a safety mechanism, it is nowhere near as mission critical as a good liquidation system. It acts mainly as an incentive for outsiders to help vaults rebalance their collateral ratios. Therefore, it should be up to the vaults to decide whether they want this safety mechanism updated. For example, Mellow Yellow has stated their opposition to this change.
    • The change would surprise some vaults that currently feel safe. Increasing liquidation threshold would automatically push up premium redeem threshold and bring these vaults into premium redeem territory.
    • Premium Redeem Fee should be held at 5%
  • Increase Punishment Fee 2% -> 5%
    • I don't understand why this should be changed. The time the vault has to execute the redemption request was cut to 24h from 48h when the fee was lowered. Increasing this would punish vaults too heavily for infrastructure issues such as falling behind on their bitcoin chain tips.
    • Punishment Fee should be held at 2%

