Period: [June 14th]→ [October 10th]
Link to previous Discussion:
Link to total amounts of INTR [Google sheets]:
Brief [23rd September]
The new Innovators program enables active and trusted community members to earn rewards for contributing to the success of Interlay & Kintsugi, whilst also helping further the sustainable development of our community.
Its early participants, called Explorers and Innovators, have assisted the Interlay community by executing a number of activities, including but not limited to, creating communities in other key regions across the globe, creating educational videos regarding the iBTC product and even playing an important role in the crucial and much needed product feedback.
No work should go unrewarded, this proposal will ensure that the owed INTR is sent to each Explorer / Innovator who’ve completed work within the programme.
One-Off Grants [Not taken from the main 3-month budget of $4500]
Summary of payment: This payment is for the main community founders. These key members have been core members since the launch of the community. Their previous role as ‘Community Councillor’ served as an advisor to the internal Interlay team, helping create the current communities we have today.
This month's list of One-Off Grants
- Discord ID: Chouchou
- Justification: One of the founding members of the Interlay and Kintsugi communities. As well as being a core member of the community and helping aid the initiatives we’ve created, Chouchou has been a pillar with the creation, maintenance and constant improvement of the Chinese-speaking community.
Chouchou has been an integral part of the Chinese community, helping out in a number of different and varied ways;
- Helping host multiple events for the Chinese community
- Helping host and coordinate AMAs’s for the Chinese community
- Providing constructive & helpful feedback towards both the overall community and, more specifically, the newly launched Innovator programme
- Helping translate key tasks and information into Chinese
- Moderating and maintaining all the Chinese-speaking community channels, specifically the TG, WeChat & Discord.
- Ensuring clear channels of comms between the community & the community manager, thus relaying information to the internal team.
- Total payment in INTR: 29,779
- Value of INTR in [USD]: $1000
- Discord ID: GodsHunter
- Justification: Another core community member, whilst also being one of the founding members of the Interlay and Kintsugi communities. GodsHunter has been an incredible help and key player with the founding, creation and maintenance of the CIS Region speaking community.
GodsHunter has been a key player in the launch and maintenance of the CIS Speaking community, helping out in a number of different ways such as;
- Translating key information for the CIS-speaking community
- Providing constructive feedback regarding the overall status of the community as well as feedback regarding the Innovator programme.
- Has helped host multiple CIS-speaking AMA’s and community calls
- Has ensured that the communities needs, specifically the CIS Speaking needs, are relayed effectively to the community manager, thus eventually being forwarded onto the team.
- Total payment in INTR: 29,779
- Value of INTR in [USD]: $1000
One-Off payment to newly Onboarded Innovators
Summary of payment: This payment is for the community members who have been successful in making it to the rank of ‘Innovator’. As a welcome, Innovators are granted $500 USD worth of INTR at that specific time when the snapshot is taken.
- Discord ID: RosislavTsoy#4148
- Justification: One of the first newly onboarded Innovators, Rostislav has become a key player in the Innovator programme. Currently, the top performing Innovator, racking up an amazing 162 points, he’s currently claimed the top spot, pointwise, within the programme as well as placing 1st place in the Monthly Top Contributor List. Rostislav has completed a varied range of tasks, ranging from translations, video creations and even creating their own articles on medium, helping to promote important integrations.
- Rostislav has provided critical feedback towards the DeWork & has helped stress test the programme, undertaking tasks, discovering bugs within the DeWork and providing critical feedback, helping us move the programme out of its trial era into the main spotlight.
- Total payment in INTR: 14,889
- Value of INTR in [USD]: $500
- Discord ID: Marvel#5748
- Reason for payment: Marvel also joins the ranks as one of the first to be onboarded into the new programme. Currently leading the FR speaking community, Marvel has been a key player in the creation, help and maintenance of the FR Speaking community, taking on a clear role in video creation, translations and many more tasks which are crucial to Interlay & Kintsugi’s marketing strategy.
Marvel has also, alongside the other Innovators, played a role in helping trial and stress test the programme, allowing us to produce the content we have today.
- Total payment in INTR: 14,889
- Value of INTR in [USD]: $500
Monthly Bounty Rewards
Summary of payment: This payment is for the main DeWork bounty rewards, these payments are taken from the initial 65,000 INTR [$4500] budget.
Link to DeWork Leaderboard:
- Discord ID: RosislavTsoy#4148 INNOVATOR
- Total value of bounties completed:
- 9783 INTR [$330]
- Task Points: 162
- Discord ID: Marvel#5748 INNOVATOR
- Total value of bounties completed:
- 3112 INTR [$105]
- Task Points: 45
- Discord ID: Selotkin EXPLORER
- Total value of bounties completed:
- 1630 INTR [$55]
- Task Points: 40
- Discord ID: Artur252010 INNOVATOR
- Total value of bounties completed:
- 297 INTR [$10]
- Task Points: 3
Top Monthly DeWork Contributors - Bonus Reward
Summary of payment: The top 3 contributors of the DeWork!
- RostislavTsoy $30 [893 INTR]
- Marvel $15 [446 INTR]
- Selotkin $10 [297 INTR]
TOTALS & INTR Addresses
Link to google sheets:
- Chouchou
- Total in INTR 29779
- INTR Address wdAaQdE1AuyW8xism5HWNUrKoHPhRPtcpzeexaaXPXXhcMuQ8
- GodsHunter
- Total in INTR 29779
- INTR Address wdBPpxNAhnU3Pcp2KLfSxPqjFXxszyQZnhKpkCDCWTbmSxdaK
- RostislavTsoy
- Total in INTR 25565
- INTR Address wdBdoJEsbqe8rbygNWBcBoKesvru6HvZ8KDmv65cMErAgcaCJo
- Marvel
- Total in INTR 18447
- INTR Address wdAAsTcKCiSZ3jicYk61twuqciELyPTAer67UY3quTHa9GzXN
- Selotkin
- Total in INTR 1927
- INTR Address wdBgNt6eApSovzh9M9eimBHzm2CbdbeGABDv9RYaNVMvcsUc6
- Artur252010
- Total in INTR 297
- INTR Address wd7WhRHZDrmT35DEqJVw24SSu2N8JeEMmX2kYwSx5DwHBqzyf

Resources / links
- Contributor List:
- Totals & Spreadsheets
- Link to Ambassador Hub