Proposal #118

Add Stellaswap stDOT to Interlay Asset Registry

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I don't know anyone who uses stDOT on Polkadot and be not aware of any advantages, therefore I voted nay. If the team or users behind the product think, it is a good product we should add, then they should convice us about it.

Up 2

Hi folks, I'm from Stellaswap and I wanted to provide a little more information on stDot.

As mentioned in the proposal above, Stellaswap acquired Lido's stDot contracts when they exited the Polkadot ecosystem, and we relaunched the token with the same name in the latter months of 2023.

We currently have 1.11 million dot staked for a current market value of a bit over $7m. Thus far we have not listed stDot on any other lending markets. The reason for this is we've yet to launch our price oracle for it, which utilizes a proof of reserves script running in an API3 airnode, and that script is currently under audit (anticipate it completing next week). Once we've got the oracle live we'll be submitting listing proposals to Mai.Finance, Moonwell, and other lending markets.

I understand that at present Interlay doesn't support API3 Oracles, but that could always change, and isn't an impediment to simply registering the asset.

stDot pays a similar rate as other DOT LSDs to users, and I'm sure I don't need to explain to this community why LSDs are attractive to lend.

Happy to answer any questions!
